[Exhibiton] Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale2017
I exhibit my installation in the Icheon World Ceramic Center.
- 期間 : 2017年4月22日(土)~5月28日(日)
- 場所 : 利川世界陶磁センター2階 第1・2展示室
- Duration : April 22 (Sat.) ~ May 28 (Sun.), 2017
- Place : Gallery 1 & 2, 2nd floor of Icheon World Ceramic Center
Thematic exhibition in Icheon Story: About Life presents works by six foreign ceramic artists who opened the gate to narrative ceramics and twenty ceramic artists from both home and abroad active today.
The exhibition is divided into two sections. Section 1 introduces works about self-awareness of individuals, and section 2 consists of works that depict individuals in a group and a society.