[Exhibition] Pre-Biwako Biennale 2018 in Manila

プレBIWAKO ビエンナーレ“きざし~BEYOND”

フィリピン マニラ市 マニラハウスでの展覧会企画に参加します。

BIWAKOビエンナーレ2018の関連企画として、2018年5月10日〜6月30日までフィリピン マニラ市のボニファシオ グローバル シティ(Bonifacio Global City)内にある、マニラハウス(Manila House)にて、BIWAKOビエンナーレ参加日本人作家11名と参加フィリピン人作家3名の作品展示を行います。

参加作家は、池原悠太/江頭誠/河合晋平/田中真聡/友田多恵子/野田拓真/長谷川早由/平垣内悠人/藤居典子/山田浩之/田中悠/Olivia d’Avobille/Randalf Dilla/Ryan Villamaelの14名です。

びわこビエンナーレ ウェブサイト


The Philippines – Japan Friendship Exhibition
May 10th – Jun 30th
Organization​: EnergyField (NPO)
Location​: Manila House Bonifacio Global City
Free entrance

This exhibition will be related to the 8th BIWAKO Biennale in Japan, as the artists who will exhibit their works in Manila House will also participate in the Biennale.
Manila House, the exhibition venue, is a member’s club that recently opened in the center of Bonifacio Global City in Manila. Its stylish atmosphere in itself is a source of fascination, but it also works to promote the filipino art scene.
We are honored to have such a great opportunity to celebrate and deepen the filipino-japanese friendship.

BIWAKO Biennale website